Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Treasure Hunt

Mommy Mommy ! Look what i found lying on the floor. It is a huge pooh bear. Can i keep it ?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The number 1 player

I am the most valuable football player. Let me demostrate to you how to carry a ball around.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Mmm ... let's read what is writen inside the book.

Mommy, i need more books !

Friday, May 9, 2008


YuXiang : Mommy !!! HELP !!! I am stuck on the floor !!! Sob ~~ Sob ~~
Mommy : Just roll over.
YuXiang : Cannot.
Mommy : Why ?
YuXiang : It hurt. The floor is hard solid.
Mommy : That is why you are sticking real tight on the floor ?
YuXiang : Sob Sob ~~~ HELP ~~~
Mommy : You are a boy boy, just roll over.
YuXiang : DADDY !!! HELP !!! DADDY !!!